The Takeover - E-Force’s best! Advanced players have the power, accuracy and touch to own the court. Beginning and intermediate players kill more shots, save rallies and swing with confidence. The solid, forgiving hitting surface is damp, provides control and makes winners on even off center hits.
E-Force’s exclusive and patented racquetball-only inventions give you the edge. Extreme LongString, 22” LongString, Powerhouse Shaft and Launch Pad technologies deliver unrelenting power. Vibration is minimized and touch enhanced with Power Boosters G2 and extended Zero Richter Tubes. The entire frame becomes a solid, accurate and stable kill zone. The Dual Cylinder Frame with Graphite Bridge, Total Carbon Head, Tri Carbon Construction and By-Pass Stringing enhance durability, frame stiffness and overall power.
Get the most out of your game!
190 gram Tear Drop - $189.95
175 gram Quadraform - $199.95
170 gram Tear Drop - $199.95
160 gram Quadraform - $229.95
A crisp, sharp feel on contact that delivers blinding velocity. How? New advanced, extremely stiff, yet incredibly light GC Power Fibers. For additional snap, the GC Power Fibers are strategically positioned among the TakeOver's 50+ carbon-graphite laminates.

All strings are as long as possible in free space for maximum power storing string bed deflection over the entire strung surface. The cross strings extend to the frame’s outside perimeter; while the mains extend from the racquet tip entirely through the hollow handle. Massive power.

A crisp, sharp feel on contact that delivers blinding velocity. How? New advanced, extremely stiff, yet incredibly light GC Power Fibers. For additional snap, the GC Power Fibers are strategically positioned among the TakeOver's 50+ carbon-graphite laminates.

The string bed is stabilized and vibration reduced by 32 inches of large diameter Booster Tubes strategically placed on both ends of 11 cross strings. Power is maintained and points scored on even off center hits.
1. The DarkStar is the total power racquet! Power for kills, sidewall passes, drives serves, ceiling balls, splats and more.

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2. The DarkStar has a Vibration damping frame with a consistent, solid and even stringbed results in more accurate shots and increased ball control.
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3. Durability to keep you on the court! DarkStar frame design, materials and construction delivers even more power, better play characteristics and ball feel.
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The DarkStar is made up of over 50 individual graphite pieces that are molded into a single frame structure using high temperature and pressure. These parts vary in size, shape, stiffness, weight, fiber direction and specific type of graphite material. Each graphite piece is designed, engineered and manufactured so all 50 plus parts are specifically and strategically placed. The result is every inch and DarkStar segment gives you optimum stiffness, flexibility, balance, weight, maneuverability and durability. Every court advantage is yours!